Tuesday 24 May 2011

May The Farce Be With You!

This is just too good. South Asia in general is a farcical place, but the goings-on in Pakistan should be a high art form. It takes talent, and Pakistan has some extremely talented performers. I'm referring, in particular, to Interior Minister Rehman Malik. And this is what I'm referring to:

Seriously? People dressed as Star Wars characters? These are the TALIBAN, for crying out loud! But hey, let's go along with it; after all, who knows where fantasy ends and reality begins? Was OBL really inspired by Emperor Palpatine? And is Mullah Omar really Darth Vader? That would make Obama...Han Solo, I guess. Don't be surprised if the First Lady takes to wearing her hair in two weird buns. Let's not even go near the metal bikinis...

Come to think of it, didn't the first instalment of Star Wars release around the time of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? We all know who the "Empire" was then...and OBL was trained by the CIA to fight them, before he went over to the Dark Side...

I am having such a field day - imagine Imperial storm-troopers marching into a Pakistani naval base...the Paks wouldn't stand a chance!

There's something wrong with the whole picture, though. In the movies, the evil Empire was gigantic, powerful beyond imagination, with world-destroying weapons and sophisticated technology. And had a Senate. While the good guys were a rag-tag bunch of rebels with an ideology hiding in remote places, emerging occasionally to strike at the empire.

Anybody see my problem?

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